About Brendan Sexton!!!!

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Brendan Eugene Sexton was born on February 21, 1980 on Staten Island, New York. He is called Brendan Sexton Jr., Brendan Sexton III, Brendan Sexton, or Bren. He is 5'6 or was when he was 18. He has very nice green eyes and brown hair. He is a vegetarian. The movies I have seen so far are...
-Session 9- It was scary, but a little confusng and Brendan had a mullet
-Desert Blue- It was a good movie but they made Brendan a little like an airhead
-Hurricane Streets- I thought this was a good movie and Brendan was the main character and very HOTT! He also stole a lot in the movie
-Pecker- Brendan was sooo HOTT in this movie and overall the moie was very funny and he stole stuff again.
-Welcome to the Dollhouse- It was a good movie and Brendan had a odd role as a boy who almost rapes the main character and has a lot of anger
-Empire Rcords- The movie was funny and Brendan had a good role where he stole things.

Brendan has been in these movies so far...

-This Revolution (unsure)- Daniel Symptom
-Love, Ludlow (unsure)- Ludlow
-Winter Solstice (unsure)- Robbie
-Black Hawk Down (R)- Richard 'Alphabet' Kowalewski
-Session 9 (R)- Jeff
-Hershel Hopper: New York Rabbit (?)- Hershel
-Muse 6 (?)- Dez
-Boys Don't Cry (R)- Tom Nissan
-Desert Blue (R)- Blue Baxter
-Hurricane Streets (R)- Marcus Frederick
-Myth Amreica (?)- ?
-Pecker (R)- Matt
-Spark (?)- Mooney
-A, B, C... Manhatten (?)- Bob
-Arresting Gena (?)- soldier
-Boom (?)- ?
-Welcome to the Dollhouse (R)- Brandon McCarthy
-Empire Records (PG-13)- Warren

And he is going to be in 2 upcoming movies (www.imdb.com)

-Safety Glass (not yet rated)- Fenster Itsky
-Little Fugitive (not yet rated)- ?

I recently saw the movie Hide and Seek with Robert De Niro and during one scene, Di Nero is buying fishing equiptment and the person working behind the register seemed to be Brendan. It was only for a few seconds and you could never see the face clearly. I believe it was him though. If anyone knows for sure then please email me.

From sources, I have learned that Brendan is a manager for a band called Cousin. Go to the website www.cousinmusic.com and click on contact. There are a few funny/cute pictures of Brendan and a way to contact him about the band. I have not tried so if anyone has then please email me and tell me what happened.

-Brendan has a brother named Eban
-Brendan has five sisters named Amber, Tara, Lisa, Ilona, and Carianna
-Brendan's favorate film is La Promese
-Brendan's favorate tv show is The Simpsons (Like mine!)
-Brendan's favorate book is The Amber
-Brendan's favorate food is cool ranch dorritos
-Brendan started acting at age 8
-Brendan got thrown out of a resturaunt fo dancing on a table
-Brendan had his firft girlfriend when he was 5
-Brendan's father was in charge of the redevelopment of Times Square in New York City
-Brendan went to elementary school at PS 38 on Staten Island

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