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I have seen 6 of Brendan's movies SO FAR and i plan to see more in the future.

  Session 9 Danvers State Mental Hospital, closed down for fifteen years, is about to receive five new visitors. Gordon Fleming, the man who owns and operates the Hazmat Elimination Co, badly needs to win a contract to remove asbestos from the hospital. To seal the deal, Gordon unwisely promises that he and his crew can complete the massive job in only one week. Hazmat gets the gig and the following Monday their dangerous work begins. As the work week continues, the crew is drawn deeper into the mysteries that surround the asylum: rampant patient abuse, medieval medical procedures, and rumors of demonic possession. The hospital holds many dark secrets but then, so do each of the men. The longer they struggle under the grueling pressure of their job, the more likely it seems that one of them will crack. The question is, which one will it be?
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Session 9
  Desert Blue In a small town on the edge of the desert, Blue wants to complete his father's dream of building a water slide. The problem is water rights, which have been sewn up by the Empire Cola Company and who try to buy off the townspeople's discontent with free soda. When an Empire truck crashes and creates a toxic spill, the town is quarantined. A pretty TV star and her professor father are stuck there for the duration, and link up with Blue and an oddball assortment of locals as the town faces off with the company. 
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Desert Blue
  Hurricane Streets  A 15-year-old teen struggles on the streets of New York's East Village, living with his grandmother, while his mother serves time in prison. But, the complications of street life -- from runnning in a gang of small-time shoplifters to the landing of a meteorite in the local park -- force the teen to confront his own moral choices. 
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Hurricane Streets