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Here are the 2 other Brendan Movies ive seen so far

Welcome to the Dollhouse
Dawn Wiener is the middle child in middle school in the middle of suburban New Jersey. Sometimes hated, often reviled, seldom understood, Dawn tries in vain to put on a happy and friendly face as she struggles through the onset of what looks to be a long puberty. Life is grim. Nevertheless, she does find moments of grace amidst the pain and humiliation, and soon begins to wonder if life might not be better outside New Jersey. 
taken from

Empire Records
Story traces a single tumultuous day in the lives of several young slackers who work at a bustling store named Empire Records. Anything can happen and everything does--relationships are tested and dilemmas are solved.. all just this side of the law. 
-"Maybe you bite me..."-Warren
taken from


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